I’ve been pretty quiet the last few weeks. They’ve been hard and it’s been a roller coaster and at first I wasn’t really sure what to say, what to think or how to react. I guess I’m still really not.
A month ago I said I would be going to Nicaragua for a month to do my Yoga Teacher training that I was so excited to attend. I declared 2018 the year of ‘No Fear’!
Then, just like that, only a few days later there was only Fear. Fear, when I first got the call from the doctor, Fear when she told me to cancel my trip. Fear when I first went to the hospital, and Fear while I waited for answers for three weeks.
Today I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. It was luckily caught early on due to the physical I had to prepare for my trip and I am told that while there is no cure, it is very treatable. Today while I still feel some fear and uncertainty, I now feel hope. Today I feel gratitude.
Although this is not the greatest news I have ever received, it is also not the worst I could have received. I feel so lucky to have the people I love in my life, and I am so grateful for their support over the last few weeks while I was kind of a disaster. I am extremely grateful for our medical system and the medical advancements that have happened the give me the chance to continue loving loudly, living joyfully and chasing every crazy dream I can imagine.
2018 Will still be the year of NO FEAR!! #YogaSavedMyLife #GetYourPhysical #TrustYourGut