5 years. It feels like both an incredibly long time and sometimes like little time at all has passed since my transplant. There are days where I’m so far from it now, it seems like a long-lost memory of something horrible somewhere way off in the distance; then there are…

The power of movement and body connectedness in healing
January 24th, 2018, The day I was told I had cancer, I was three weeks away from getting on a plane to go to Nicaragua and complete my yoga teacher training. I needed a physical to ensure I could safely…

What’s Your Ripple?
I see a lot of discussion on Covid lately, and I just want to take a moment to allow you to see a different perspective of it. A lot of the focus is on covid itself, and how serious the…

Day +467
I’ve talked a lot about the light at the end of the tunnel; how far away it seems sometimes. Like a finish line just out of reach, or a constantly moving target, the end never seems to truly be in…

FYI Music News Digest: Cadence Grace receives stem cell transplant; Wins CMAO Award.
Cadence Grace, a solo artist and singer with country trio Runaway Angel based out of Toronto, was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) on February 12, 2018, and received a bone marrow transplant 64 days ago. The good news is that…

The Country Music Association of Ontario (CMAOntario) tonight celebrated the talent and achievements of Ontario’s country music industry across 19 categories at the 7th Annual CMAOntario Awards in Southam Hall at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa; Cadence Grace wins the Holly and Steve…

Show Review – Country Kicks Cancer’s Ass in Toronto, ON
Sunday Night at The Rock ‘n’ Horse Saloon, fellow musicians, friends, family, staff, and tech crew, came together to give up a few hours our their Sunday, to show support to Cadence Grace of the Country trio, Runaway Angel. The Rock ‘n’ Horse…

Retreats & Recovery
The last few days have been absolutely insane- so much so I haven’t really had time to sit down and reflect on them yet. Today I have a bit of downtime and I wanted to talk about how incredible my…

Yesterday was amazing, and truly insane. After a wonderful weekend retreat, to walk into something like that was overwhelming. I cried in the corner for the first ten minutes because I was so filled with gratitude. I can never thank…

How yoga saved my life
Today was just so amazing it’s going to be hard to put in to words. I woke up and went to yoga with the girls at the Pink Pearl retreat. It was the first time I had practiced yoga since…

How you can be a HERO
Did you know, that in one single day you can save someone’s life, while watching netflix? Neither did I until I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and told that without a bone marrow transplant, I wouldn’t survive. When I was first…
Day 1678- Still Searching
Here I am again, humbly calling out to the universe in search of meaning and answers. I’ve been searching for that a lot lately and remembered that in the past when I needed clarity the most, I’ve often discovered it between the lines and words that poured out on to…
Day 1364- Show up even if you’re scared
It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog. There’s a lot of reasons for it but the most powerful one has been shame. The last time I wrote a blog I declared that I was going to quit smoking weed. And I did successfully…. For about a month…
Day 1095- 3 Year ‘Re-Birthday’- Messages from the Universe
Today is my third ‘Re-Birthday’. Three years ago today, a kind and incredibly selfless person gave part of themselves to me, so I could win my battle with cancer and have a chance at a second life. To many of you I’m sure, three years seems like a long time,…
Do the Thing
Lately one question seems to cross my mind about a million times a day: What’s the point? My internal dialogue sounds something like this: “You should get dressed…..What’s the point?”“You should write a blog….What’s the point?”“You should go for a walk… What’s the point?” Normally I would analyze these feelings…
You are enough
I’ve been wanting to write a blog for a while, but every time an idea or the mood strikes, something peculiar seems to happen. A voice, barely even loud enough to be heard, but somehow forceful enough to stop me in my tracks always says, “NO.” “No one wants to…
The power of movement and body connectedness in healing
January 24th, 2018, The day I was told I had cancer, I was three weeks away from getting on a plane to go to Nicaragua and complete my yoga teacher training. I needed a physical to ensure I could safely stay on an isolated reserve far away from immediate medical…
The Jody Seeley Show- Podcast
I had a blast on coffee club with Jody Seeley recently talking about my personal cancer journey, and it was turned into a podcast, which you can listen to here on whatever podcast player you use 🙂
What’s Your Ripple?
I see a lot of discussion on Covid lately, and I just want to take a moment to allow you to see a different perspective of it. A lot of the focus is on covid itself, and how serious the virus is versus how seriously we should be thinking about…
Let’s Talk/ I Knew You Could
OK- This is an unorthodox “Bell Let’s Talk” mental health day smorgasbord of which 90% is a children’s book. Don’t be afraid. Read on. It has admittedly been a couple rough weeks. The damage to my kidneys is severe and not reversible- approximately 90% of it is scarred. My clinic…