Today is a big milestone for me! It’s day 100! ?? After transplant, this is one of the first and most important goals to reach on your road to recovery. After day 100, it’s year one, and then year two. If you can make it to year two without relapse,…

The power of movement and body connectedness in healing
January 24th, 2018, The day I was told I had cancer, I was three weeks away from getting on a plane to go to Nicaragua and complete my yoga teacher training. I needed a physical to ensure I could safely…

What’s Your Ripple?
I see a lot of discussion on Covid lately, and I just want to take a moment to allow you to see a different perspective of it. A lot of the focus is on covid itself, and how serious the…

Day +467
I’ve talked a lot about the light at the end of the tunnel; how far away it seems sometimes. Like a finish line just out of reach, or a constantly moving target, the end never seems to truly be in…

FYI Music News Digest: Cadence Grace receives stem cell transplant; Wins CMAO Award.
Cadence Grace, a solo artist and singer with country trio Runaway Angel based out of Toronto, was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) on February 12, 2018, and received a bone marrow transplant 64 days ago. The good news is that…

The Country Music Association of Ontario (CMAOntario) tonight celebrated the talent and achievements of Ontario’s country music industry across 19 categories at the 7th Annual CMAOntario Awards in Southam Hall at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa; Cadence Grace wins the Holly and Steve…

Show Review – Country Kicks Cancer’s Ass in Toronto, ON
Sunday Night at The Rock ‘n’ Horse Saloon, fellow musicians, friends, family, staff, and tech crew, came together to give up a few hours our their Sunday, to show support to Cadence Grace of the Country trio, Runaway Angel. The Rock ‘n’ Horse…

Retreats & Recovery
The last few days have been absolutely insane- so much so I haven’t really had time to sit down and reflect on them yet. Today I have a bit of downtime and I wanted to talk about how incredible my…

Yesterday was amazing, and truly insane. After a wonderful weekend retreat, to walk into something like that was overwhelming. I cried in the corner for the first ten minutes because I was so filled with gratitude. I can never thank…

How yoga saved my life
Today was just so amazing it’s going to be hard to put in to words. I woke up and went to yoga with the girls at the Pink Pearl retreat. It was the first time I had practiced yoga since…

How you can be a HERO
Did you know, that in one single day you can save someone’s life, while watching netflix? Neither did I until I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and told that without a bone marrow transplant, I wouldn’t survive. When I was first…
Day +76
Ok, it’s time for an update. I tried to do one last week, but my iPad froze and erased a massive post I had poured my heart into and so I ended up rage-eating half a sleeve of saltine crackers and just going to bed instead. It’s been a bit…
FYI Music News Digest: Cadence Grace receives stem cell transplant; Wins CMAO Award.
Cadence Grace, a solo artist and singer with country trio Runaway Angel based out of Toronto, was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) on February 12, 2018, and received a bone marrow transplant 64 days ago. The good news is that she’s in recovery. Read more HERE.
Delayed Reaction
Today I decided to go out for a walk in the sun. I usually go at night so I don’t have to worry about covering up, wearing sunscreen and hats. As a former ‘sun-baby’, I found it hard to stomach all these new precautions, so I just avoided it all…
Day +61
*Originally Posted on Facebook What a weekend! This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the The Canadian CML Network‘s annual conference which was so well put together (as always) and it was so nice to catch up with all my fellow CML-ers, who have truly been a HUGE source of…
The Country Music Association of Ontario (CMAOntario) tonight celebrated the talent and achievements of Ontario’s country music industry across 19 categories at the 7th Annual CMAOntario Awards in Southam Hall at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa; Cadence Grace wins the Holly and Steve Kassay Generous Spirit Award. Hendrik Pape // Soundcheck Entertainment- READ…
An open letter to my husband
We got married three years ago today and stood across from each other (On literally the hottest freaking day of the year in the blazing sun). I cried my eyes out, and you claimed your eyes were just ‘sweating’, and we all laughed and then recited our vows. In sickness…
Day +54
I know I said I would blog more often but the last ten days were such a rapid roller coaster, I was afraid by the time I blogged about it, what was/would be happening with my treatment and recovery would have already changed (because it changed on a dime like..…
Day +45
It’s been another eventful week, but I’m happy to say that I am at least finding my stride and have found myself feeling a lot more positive and uplifted this week. I’ve been working hard on finding gratitude in the small moments of every day, and feeding off the positive…
Day +39
It’s been a while since I updated last, because sometimes I really struggle with what to say. Sometimes this journey is such a roller coaster, and I’m not even sure if by the time I post an update it will even be accurate anymore! Sometimes I’m afraid to post because…