Today was just so amazing it’s going to be hard to put in to words. I woke up and went to yoga with the girls at the Pink Pearl retreat. It was the first time I had practiced yoga since I was diagnosed, which was a powerful step for me…
How you can be a HERO
Did you know, that in one single day you can save someone’s life, while watching netflix? Neither did I until I was diagnosed with Leukemia, and told that without a bone marrow transplant, I wouldn’t survive. When I was first diagnosed with Leukemia I barely understood how my own body…
Caring & Connection
For the many people I’ve tried to explain this concept to, I feel like this explains it best. I feel more alone than ever. I feel more isolated than ever, even in the light of so much love and support, and it is often because I’m looking for what she…
Sometimes you just need a night out
Yesterday some of my my girlfriends surprised me with a lovely night out:) I got to rock my new hair cut and just be distracted for a while. Thanks ladies. Love you so much
GoFundMe + Update
*Originally posted as an update in my GoFundMe Campaign. View the campaign here: Help Cadence Kick Cancer’s Ass Hey Guys, It’s extremely hard to continue to ask for help, but I still need your help. When we initially started the campaign, I had no idea what to expect in terms…
Learning about the transplant process
Hello everyone! Thank you all so much for your generous and selfless shares, donation and support. You have no idea how much this truly means to me. It’s not just about the financial security this will provide me and my family during this challenging time, but also in truly understanding…
We have a Donor!
Asking for help is not something My Husband or I do very well. We are lucky people who have many opportunities others do not, and are grateful for the abundance that we already felt we had in our lives! We both felt a sense of guilt and shame over asking…
Happy New Year
Heading into this new year, I’ve been struggling with a lot of emotions. Usually the New Year is a chance for me to hit the reset button, set new goals, and plan new adventures. It brings hope, renewal and excitement. This year it brings the most uncertainty I have ever…
The Wild Ride
This year has without a doubt, been the wildest ride I’ve ridden. It started off with a shock leukaemia diagnosis, and then went on to be filled with extremely wonderful highs in my music life, that left me feeling more proud than ever about the music and magic happening within Runaway…
Video Update & Song