Today is a big milestone for me! It’s day 100! ?? After transplant, this is one of the first and most important goals to reach on your road to recovery. After day 100, it’s year one, and then year two. If you can make it to year two without relapse,…
Day +76
Ok, it’s time for an update. I tried to do one last week, but my iPad froze and erased a massive post I had poured my heart into and so I ended up rage-eating half a sleeve of saltine crackers and just going to bed instead. It’s been a bit…
Day +61
*Originally Posted on Facebook What a weekend! This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the The Canadian CML Network‘s annual conference which was so well put together (as always) and it was so nice to catch up with all my fellow CML-ers, who have truly been a HUGE source of…
Day +54
I know I said I would blog more often but the last ten days were such a rapid roller coaster, I was afraid by the time I blogged about it, what was/would be happening with my treatment and recovery would have already changed (because it changed on a dime like..…
Day +45
It’s been another eventful week, but I’m happy to say that I am at least finding my stride and have found myself feeling a lot more positive and uplifted this week. I’ve been working hard on finding gratitude in the small moments of every day, and feeding off the positive…
Day +39
It’s been a while since I updated last, because sometimes I really struggle with what to say. Sometimes this journey is such a roller coaster, and I’m not even sure if by the time I post an update it will even be accurate anymore! Sometimes I’m afraid to post because…
Day +25
I was released from the hospital last Tuesday officially, and I’ve been out of the hospital for almost a week now. It’s been nice to get back to a bit of a routine, to start cooking and eating real food, go for some walks and test out what my ‘new…
Day +16
When people initially told me to be prepared for the pot holes ahead, I held fast to my positivity, and wrote them off as naysayers. Everything had gone so well for me so far, that I just had an immense amount of belief it would continue that way. It’s not…
Day +15
*Originally Posted to Facebook Truth: Yesterday my positivity took a break. Everything has gone so well with the transplant so far, and I felt ready for the rest of this marathon. But as I let myself stare into a mirror for more than a second since this began, and saw…
Day +12
I really fell off the map there for a while, and I’m sorry If I scared anyone, but don’t be afraid! It was for very good reason(s). I promise I’m Ok. I’m actually WAY better than OK, but we will get to that in a minute. It was a bit…